Growing up in Hatfield before 1945

Memories of Hatfield people

(by Mary Howe M.B.E. J.P., G.W. Bennett, M. Laurence and Elizabeth Hook)

(This book is currently out of stock.)

In 1990, the Workers’ Educational Association held a series of meetings in the Hatfield Library on various aspects of the history of Hatfield. The meetings were led by Mr V. J. Mills and he later persuaded some of Hatfield’s senior citizens to write down these accounts of their youth. The accounts were written independently and without much help from printed sources.

Book 1 — Mary Howe M.B.E. J.P.
Book 2 — G.W. Bennett
Book 3 — M. Laurence
Book 4 — Elizabeth Hook

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ISBN: Privately published
Size: A5 paperback, four booklets
Pages: Bk.1-10, Bk.2.-11, Bk.3-19, Bk.4-15
Price: £4 the set